The first thing you need to realize is that obtaining employment with the federal government can be time consuming. While you may luck out with an opening in the careers that you are interested in, generally you have to wait a while. Even though the employment may not be immediate, you need to make sure that you are at least putting in a good bit of effort as it will someday payoff.
One of the steps that you will need to take is to register with the Federal KSA test. The KSA stands for Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. This is a test that will determine what your GS level is. The GS stands for Government Service. Your GS level stands for the level or type of employment that you are eligible to apply. For example, you may be a G1, G2, G3 or higher.
Before you begin the KSA test you will want to get prepared for it. You will want to find out as much information as you can by contacting the Department of Trades and Labor. It has been said that the test has a few curve balls or tricks in it to make sure that you are paying attention and that you can properly follow instructions. Also make sure that you are prepared, patient and willing to work hard to complete and pass this test.
It is also important to make sure that you understand that if you score a 70 on the exam, you are not allowed to test again for another two years. If you happen to get at least a 69, then you will be able to retake it within six months. For someone who really wants a career within the federal government, having to wait two years before testing again can be a hard pill to swallow.
After you have reviewed and taken the career federal KSA test and determined your GS level, you can then fill out the OF 612 form. While it may seem like this part would be quick and easy, it really is a longer process than what a lot of people tend to think. In the midst of doing all of this and correctly filling out the correct forms, you may be offered employment from one of the other careers that you had interest in.
If you are in need of work, it would be wise to take the position you are offered. After all, you can always leave it and begin new employment if you finally find yourself offered a career with the federal government. You also want to be extremely careful when you are submitting your resume for federal employment. Your resume should be in Federal Style.
In addition, any application that you fill out might as well be considered an exam as well. This is because the application is closely looked at. If you fill it out wrong or leave out important information, you basically "fail" and you will never hear from them about obtaining employment. When you are filling out your applications, make sure that you are taking your time. Double check the applications and then check them once more before once you submit them it is out of your hands.
Make sure that you are doing your best to make connections as well. You just never know who might be able to get you into the careers that you have been dreaming of. Talk to people about the type of employment that you are seeking and maybe you will find yourself lucking out a bit sooner than first expected. Some people try for federal employment for years without any luck. Others find that it just takes them a couple of months. It sometimes is skill. Sometimes it is persistence. Sometimes it is pure luck.